August: Osage County
Now on stage at the Oshawa Little Theatre, Russett Avenue

Theatre Program
Joe Szekeres
SZEKERES SAYS… Tracey Letts’ tome-like ‘August: Osage County’ plays at the Oshawa Little Theatre. This nearly three-hour, dialogue-heavy tragi-comedy is directed by Michael Serres, who approaches the sensitive subject matter with care and compassion. He has assembled a diverse group of local actors from the Oshawa, Durham, Scugog, and Sunderland regions, some of whom have previously taken on roles in other productions of ‘August.’
There are moments when the show is dramatically effective. The dinner scene in Act 2 is one. The silence at the performance I attended indicated that the audience listened intently to the dialogue and observed the characters evolve.
Individual performance levels vary, however. Some are solid, while others are still finding their footing. I’m confident these performers will continue to develop believability and authenticity as the performances progress.
‘August’ is a challenging play to stage and to watch. Serres has diligently prepared to ensure that the story’s themes of familial dysfunction, alcoholism, loneliness, and heartache resonate in the 350-seat theatre (which wasn’t full on this ACT CO adjudication night). The show’s pacing is occasionally slow, and the actors must work hard to regain momentum after scene changes. That too, I’m sure, will improve as performances continue into the second and third weeks.
Running time: three hours. The show runs until February 8 at the Oshawa Little Theatre on Russett Avenue.
