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'One Step At A Time' by Andrew Prashad

Now onstage at London, Ontario's Grand Theatre

Stills from Video by Andrew Prashad with Ulla Laidlaw and Indrit Kasapi

Joe Szekeres

“A genuine and sincere story about family, inclusion, and commitment told with grace, class, and dignity. The show’s title becomes an important mantra for all of us when dark times permeate our lives.”

Andrew Prashad's 'One Step at a Time' is a distinctive blend of original songs, tap dance, storytelling, and multimedia projection. It embraces a father’s journey with his young son, Ezra, born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. The one-hour intermission-less performance is a heartfelt sharing of life's challenges and joys from Andrew and his wife, Beth, who are also parents of two older daughters. Throughout his daily parental responsibilities at home, Prashad continues to maintain his career as an active actor, singer and dancer.

Prashad shares some funny bits along this journey about caring for his son. One occurs when he goes to the local Shopper’s Drug Mart looking for the lubrication tube needed for the young Ezra’s catheterization.

Thanks to Prashad's intensely focused solo work, ‘One Step at a Time’ becomes deeply touching. Under the direction of Scott Hurst, Andrew skillfully navigates his emotional journey as a parent, never veering into maudlin emotional histrionics.

That’s a smart move on both their parts.

I read once that A. R. Gurney advised any actor voicing Andrew Makepeace Ladd in ‘Love Letters’ not to cry at the end of the play but to let the audience do that.

Hurst accomplishes that same goal on this opening night for Prashad who allows his final connection with the audience to speak for itself. I could feel the tears welling and heard someone behind me sniffing.

The production’s pacing on the intimate Auburn Stage of London’s Grand Theatre remains solidly tight, and the action never drags. I sat on the aisle at far-stage right—sightlines were good, and sound remained decent. I could hear every song’s lyrics and every word Prashad spoke.

Since he also conceived the show, I will credit Andrew for the set design, which functions well and doesn’t appear cramped. At centre stage is an elongated rectangular floorboard upon which Prashad tap dances. In front is a child’s carpet of the alphabet and numbers—what you might find in a preschool setting. Ezra’s varied walkers and canes can also be found around the stage. There is an angled chair stage left Prashad uses.

What’s the first thing to notice when entering the auditorium during the preshow?

There is a projected photo of baby Ezra with his favourite stuffed animal, Ella the Elephant.

Prashad took this picture of their backsides. However, a critical eye connection takes a few seconds to notice why the image is striking. When it does become apparent, it hits right at the heart. The malformation of Ezra’s spine is noticeable. Someone has sewn on a malformation of Ella’s spine on her back. (in the talkback, we learn Beth did that.)

What message did I glean from this photo? Even though there might be cracks, the spiritual foundation of the person and individual remains strong and can never be quashed.

How heartening it is to see a Christian family use the power of prayer and love, especially when dark moments envelop their lives. Andrew convincingly reveals this internal strength during a time he calls ‘The Dark Night.’ I don’t want to spoil its dramatic intensity. I was riveted to my seat as I watched him recount what happened calmly and bravely while doing what he could for his young son.

Prashad is a triple threat in the industry. He sings, acts, and dances with gusto. Under Jeannie Wyse’s carefully executed music direction, Andrew understands the meaning of each word he sings. He inherently knows when to pause and when to breathe with purpose. I still hear, " And we’ll have little waltzes” the next day while I continue writing this article. I won’t call that an ‘earworm tune’ because it’s not. It becomes a moment between parent and child that is so touchingly beautiful that it’s difficult to describe.

And Another Thought: In her Programme Note, the Grand’s Artistic Director Rachel Peake mentions Andrew’s perspective that many people don’t have about a career in the theatre: there has to be a way to have it all. Andrew does refer to those career heights he has hit – a contract with a touring Riverdance, a contract with London’s Grand and a dance teaching contract in Mexico are only three examples. Beth is her husband’s biggest supporter and tells him periodically: “This is what we’re hoping for. We’ll make it work with the family.”

Yes, the Prashads have made it work and will continue to do so.

However, I have no doubt Andrew values and places family first. He is foremost a husband and father, and that must always be a priority. Yes, achieving any set goals is one step at a time.

But our lives are an ever-evolving journey, as Andrew writes in his Programme Note. The point of ‘One Step At A Time’ is to demonstrate what LOVE can do.

And from a Christian perspective, LOVE can do wonders.

Go and see “One Step At A Time.”

Running time: approximately 60 minutes with no interval/intermission.

‘One Step At a Time’ runs until April 20 on the Auburn Stage at London, Ontario’s Grand Theatre, 471 Richmond Street. For tickets: or call the Box Office (519) 672-8800.

ONE STEP AT A TIME by Andrew Prashad
Written, Conceived, Composed and Performed by Andrew Prashad
Director: Scott Hurst
Music Director: Jeannie Wyse

Marble Surface

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